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The information on this site is issued and approved by Brompton Asset Management Ltd (Brompton) of 1 Knightsbridge Green, London, SW1X 7QA. Brompton is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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Further information
This information will be updated from time to time. You are advised to check if any such updates have been made since you last visited this website.
US persons
A US person is any natural person resident in the United States (US); or a company or partnership incorporated or organised in the US, but excluding an offshore branch or agency of a US person that operates for valid business reasons and is engaged and regulated as an insurance company or bank; or a branch or agency of a foreign entity located in the US; or a trust of which the trustee is a US person, unless a non-US person has or shares investment discretion; or an estate of which a US person is the executor or administrator, unless the estate is governed by foreign law and a non-US person has or shares investment discretion; or a non-discretionary account held for the benefit of a US person; or a discretionary account held by a US dealer or fiduciary, unless held for the benefit of a non-US person; or any entity organised or incorporated for the purposes of evading US securities laws.